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Son Of Rust - Welcome To Chaos...

when you're walking through the streets of contentment
holding hands with the devil 'cause he knows just what you're looking for
don't give a thought to all those feelings of resentment
they'll only lead to more

when you're feeling how I feel who do you speak to
who's name is it you call in the deadness of night
when you fly as high as I do who's beneath you?
do you tell them all to go to hell
in madness in spite of what
you told yourself
but now you've changed your mind
drowned it all down
in sadness and time
filled yourself up with material things
switched the heart out of faith
with longing and need
welcome to chaos, do you recognize me?

.where has all of your innocence gone
.little one
.it's okay, let it go
.don't you want to be free?
.where are all of your excuses now
.little one
.it's so easy let them go
.turn yourself into me

I'm always here when you need me
I'm always right beside you if you like it or not
all your clever lies don't deceive me
just sit back and relax I know you'll like it a lot

your sickness and paranoia are what feed me
I'm within, deep inside you if you like or not
your broken promises are what freed me
just sit back and relax I know you'll like it a lot

welcome to chaos

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